Carmel Bands Links

Friends of Carmel Bands
Friends of Carmel Bands is a group of student and parent alumni, extended family and friends of Carmel Bands members, and community supporters who are interested in news about Carmel Bands ensembles. When you become a Friend of Carmel Bands, you will receive a monthly email containing information about upcoming performances & events, recent accomplishments, and fundraising opportunities for Carmel High School's concert, jazz, Marching Greyhounds, winter guard and percussion ensembles. Click the Friends of Carmel Bands logo to sign up.

Paige's Music
Paige's Music is a local music store that has partnered with Carmel Clay Schools to provide most of your instrument needs. You can rent/buy instruments, purchase mouthpieces and reeds, cleaning supplies and other items for your instrument. Paige's Music also performs instrument cleaning and repairs. They can pick up and drop off an instrument at the high school or any middle school. Click the icon to go to their website.
State Music and Guard Organizations

Indiana State School Music Association
Also know as ISSMA, click the icon to find information on marching band, concert band and orchestra contest schedules and results. In addition, you will find the manual and Group 1 music lists for regional and state solo and ensemble contests.

Indiana High School Color Guard Association
Also known as Indiana High School Color Guard Association. Click on the icon to find state level Winter Guard contest dates, performance schedules and results.
National Music and Guard Organizations

Bands of America
Also known as BOA. Click the logo to find Regional, Super Regional and Grand National competition sites, dates, schedules and results. You can buy tickets for any BOA event through this site. (Carmel Bands sells BOA Grand National tickets that are seated in a few blocks.)

World Guard International
Also known as World Guard International. Click the logo to find Regional and World Championship competition sites, dates, schedules and results. You can buy tickets for any WGI event through this site.

Also known as Drum Corps International. Drum Corp performances are a popular thing to watch among many Marching Greyhounds. Click the link for more information on competition sites, dates, times and results. Several members of the Marching Greyhounds perform with drum corps. If you are interested in auditioning, this site will link you to the audition links for DCI corps. In mid August, DCI holds the World Championships at Lucas Oil Stadium. Many Marching Greyhounds attend the finals on Saturday evening. You can purchase tickets to the World Championships (and other competitions) at the DCI site.

Music Travel Consultants
Every 4 years the Marching Greyhounds take a trip outside of the competition season. Music Travel Consultants is the organization that is used for these trips. Click on the logo to pay your trip installments.

Music for All
Also known as MFA. MFA is the parent organization for BOA; in addition, MFA hosts several other events/activities. Members of Carmel Bands have attended the Summer Symposium, a week-long music camp at Ball State University. MFA has several national honor ensembles and

Percussive Arts Society
Percussive Arts Sociey (PAS) is the world's largest percussion organization and the central source for information and networking for percussionists and drummers of all ages. Our percussion ensemble often participates in clinics and hosts percussion days sponsored by the Percussive Arts Society.