Welcome to the Color Guard Audition Information Page!

What is Color Guard?

Color Guard is a combination of the use of flags, rifles, sabres, and movement to enhance the visual aspect of a show. Color Guards perform with marching bands, drum corps, and compete as a guard-only ensemble during the winter.
Who is the Carmel Color Guard?
“As the Carmel Guard, we strive to become the best versions of ourselves through diligence, confidence, excellence, and teamwork. We give all members a safe place to call home and we give our audiences unforgettable, cutting-edge entertainment.”
The Carmel Color Guard is a nationally known program that is part of the Carmel High School Marching Greyhounds in the fall, competing in the ISSMA and BOA circuits. During the winter and spring, members compete in the IHSCGA and WGI circuits as two smaller ensembles (Scholastic World and Scholastic A guards). Carmel Color Guard’s JV Guard competes in the Cadet class in the IHSCGA circuit during the winter.
The Marching Greyhounds are 6-time Bands of America Grand National Champions and 6-time ISSMA State Champions. The Carmel High School Marching Greyhounds were invited to perform in the 2014 Rose Parade and 2011 & 2022 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parades. The Carmel World Guard is a 5-time World Champion in the Scholastic World Class division of Winter Guard International (WGI) and 9-time State Champion in the Indiana High School Color Guard Association (IHSCGA) circuit. The A Guard is a 3-time WGI Regional Champion and 2-time IHSCGA A Class Champion

The marching band season starts with auditions in the spring and ends in November. Most of our basic flag, weapon and dance training takes place during this season. We also learn choreography for a ten-minute show that will be performed during halftime at football games and marching band competitions. The guard is a section of the marching band and provides a large portion of the visual aspect of the show.
After marching band we begin our winter guard season, which concludes in the spring. The winter guard performs in gyms and areas to recorded soundtracks. We have two competitive winter guards, one in Scholastic A class and one in Scholastic World class. Winter Guard demands more of the performers, as they are the main focus of the show. Because of that increased demand, members continue to fine tune their technique as well as develop more complex spinning and dancing skills.
Participating in JV Color Guard in 6-8 grade is a great way to make new friends and transitions easily to high school color guard.
The JV Color Guard season begins in September with rehearsals where members learn basic flag and dance skills. This culminates in a performance at Fall Community Night in October.
In November the JV Color Guard begins the winter guard season where members advance their flag, weapon, and dance skill level. Members learn a show, complete with a tarp, costumes and props. The JV Color Guard competes in the IHSCGA Cadet Class. Winter guard season concludes in the spring.

Watch Performance Videos

Click the links to view Carmel High Schol Color Guard and JV Color Guard performances.
How do I join the Carmel Color Guard?
Any student, who will be in grades 9-12 at Carmel High School can audition. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Students with prior color guard, dance, gymnastics, baton, martial arts or other performance training find enjoyment in participating this activity.
During the two audition days you will spend time getting to know other prospective guard members and current high school guard members. You will start with dance class where you will learn a few basic stretches and across floor exercises, which are a combination of dance moves while moving across the floor. After the dance class, you will transition to spinning flag, rifle and saber. Those new to spinning will learn basic skills on flag.
What to wear: athletic clothing, (tank top, leggings, t-shirt, shorts) and tennis shoes. Also be sure to bring a water bottle
Equipment: All equipment needed will be provided for you. If you have previously participated in color guard and have your own rifle you may bring that.
Attend the Fall Parent & Student Call Out meeting to learn more about JV Color Guard. Watch this short video: JV Guard Recruiting Video
Try basic color guard skills at home by watching these mini tutorials.
Video 1 – Coming Soon!
Video 2 – Coming Soon!
If interested, register here: 2023-24 JV Guard Registration
What to wear: athletic clothing, (tank top, leggings, t-shirt, shorts) and tennis shoes. Also, be sure to bring a water bottle.
Equipment: All equipment needed will be provided for you. If you have previously participated in color guard and have your own rifle you may bring that.

Where can I find more information about Carmel Color Guard?
Click the link for the fall marching band schedule: Carmel Bands Schedules
If you have additional questions, email Carmel Guard.