Marching Band Accomplishments

2022 “Vitruvian”
BOA Grand National Champion (Best Music, Visual, General Effect)
ISSMA State Champion
BOA Indianapolis Super Regional Finalist, 2nd place
BOA Louisville Regional Champion

2021 “The Expanse”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 2nd place
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
BOA Indianapolis Super Regional Champion
BOA Dayton Regional Champion

2020 “Tribute”
A show of perseverance in the face of the COVID-19 global pandemic, including a compilation of highlight moments from our five national championship shows.
Students completed a season with a combination of virtual/in-person rehearsals and parent performances at the CHS stadium that upheld our tradition of excellence.

2019 “Eternal Beloved”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 4th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
BOA Louisville Regional Champion

2018 “Voyage to Valhalla”
BOA Grand National Champion (Best Music, Visual, General Effect)
BOA Grand National AAAA Class Champion
ISSMA State Champion
BOA Indianapolis Super Regional Champion
BOA Oxford Regional Champion

2017 “Serenity”
BOA Grand National Champion (Best Music, Visual, General Effect)
BOA Grand National AAAA Class Champion
BOA Indianapolis Super Regional Champion
BOA Southern California Regional Champion
BOA Dayton Regional Champion
Southern California Performance Tour

2016 “Adagio Presto”
BOA Grand National Champion (Best General Effect)
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
BOA Dayton Regional Champion
2015 “Nine Lives”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 5th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place

2014 “In The Cards”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 4th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
2013 “Totem”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 2nd place (Best Visual)
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
BOA Indianapolis Super Regional Champion
BOA Muncie Regional Champion
2014 Tournament of Roses Parade

2012 “What a Tangled Web We Weave”
BOA Grand National Champion (Best Music)
BOA Grand National AAAA Class Champion
ISSMA State Champion

2011 “Going Viral”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 3rd place (Best Music)
ISSMA State Finalist, 3rd place
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

2010 “Stop and Smell The Roses”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 5th place
BOA Kettering Regional Champion
BOA Louisville Regional Champion

2009 “Virtue-OSITY”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 5th place
BOA Centerville Regional Champion
BOA Louisville Regional Champion
2008 “As I Lay Me Down To Sleep”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 5th place (Best Music)
ISSMA State Finalist, 3rd place
2007 “Boundaries”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 3rd place
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
BOA Atlanta Super Regional Champion
BOA Indianapolis Regional Champion
Hawaii Performance Tour
2006 “Revolution”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 8th place
BOA St. Louis Super Regional Champions
2005 “Suspended Symbols”
BOA Grand National Champion (Best General Effect)
BOA Indianapolis Regional Champion
BOA Oxford Regional Champion
2004 “This Just In”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 3rd place (Best General Effect)
ISSMA State Finalist, 6th place
2005 London New Year’s Day Parade
2003 “Dome of the Heavens”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 3rd place
ISSMA State Finalist, 5th place
BOA Indianapolis Regional Champion
2002 “Metal”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 4th place
ISSMA State Champion
BOA San Antonio Regional Champion
2001 “The Danse”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 2nd place (Best General Effect)
BOA Grand National AAA Class Champion
ISSMA State Champion
BOA Indianapolis Regional Champion
BOA Louisville Regional Champion
2002 New York City Performance Tour
2000 “The Art of Life”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 5th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd place
1999 “Three Chant Settings”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 3rd place
ISSMA State Finalist, 4th place
1998 “The Art of Minimalism”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 7th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 3rd place
BOA Toledo Regional Champions
European Performance Tour
1997 “Rhythm”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 7th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 4th place
1996 “Matisse der Mahler”
BOA Grand National Finalist, 7th place
ISSMA State Finalist, 3rd place
1995 ISSMA State Finalist, 7th Place
1994 ISSMA State Finalist, 8th Place
1994 New York City Performance Tour
1993 ISSMA State Finalist, 5th Place
1992 ISSMA State Finalist, 5th Place
1991 ISSMA State Finalist, 4th Place
1991 Fiesta Bowl Champion
1990 ISSMA State Champion
1989 ISSMA State Finalist, 3rd Place
1989 Fiesta Bowl Champion
1988 ISSMA State Finalist, 6th Place
1987 ISSMA State Finalist, 3rd Place
1986 ISSMA State Finalist, 2nd Place
1986 Hawaii Performance Tour
1985 ISSMA State Finalist, 5th Place
1984 Indiana State Fair Champion
1983 Indiana State Fair, 2nd Place
1983 Orange Bowl Parade
1982 Indiana State Fair, 6th Place
1981 Indiana State Fair, 3rd Place
1980 Indiana State Fair, 7th Place